Tyree from Project Career Launch Receives Two Job Offers

by | Aug 21, 2023 | General, News, Participant Stories, School to Work Transition

If you keep up with CIS on Instagram you may recognize Tyree, a former Project Career Launch participant whose hard work in the program is really paying off: in recent weeks, Tyree received two separate job offers from local employers!

Project Career Launch connects high schoolers with disabilities to real-world work experiences and equips them with the skills they need to transition from school to employment.

Tyree recently completed the program, and it’s prepared him well for the working world. He’s interested in working in hospitality, and quickly received interviews at a local restaurant and in the dining services department of a local university. He knocked them both out of the park and was offered the job at both places!

As Tyree weighs his decision, we wanted to say how proud we are of him, and to see him putting the skills he learned at Project Career Launch into action!

Big thanks to CIS Business Inclusion Specialist Trevor van Adelsberg for letting us know about this story and taking this great photo with Tyree!