We’re Hiring, Join CIS!

Employers,  Hire Talent!

Community Integrated Services (CIS) is Greater Philadelphia’s largest supported employment agency, serving Southeastern Pennsylvania and the entire state of Delaware.

Why Hire through CIS.

Workers with disabilities represent a diverse talent pool that can offer a wealth of benefits to your business. The employee hired through CIS receives support through the hiring, onboarding, and training processes. CIS Employment Specialists, or ‘Job Coaches’, provide on-the-job support to help workers learn to perform the functions of their job effectively and acclimate to the culture of your business. These services are provided on either a short- or long-term basis, depending on the needs of each worker and each business.

Hiring workers with disabilities isn’t just good for the community – it provides tangible ROI and benefits your bottom line.

Working with our team of experts, your company can:

Access an untapped talent pool

Dramatically reduce turnover

Reduce hiring costs

Corporate social responsibility

Realize tax credit and incentives

Contact Us Today!

Frequently Asked Questions.

Does an employer need to sign a contract to work with CIS?

No. The CIS-supported employee is no different from any other member of your team, and is held to the same standards and practices. Our role is to ensure success for the employee and satisfaction for the employer.

Is there any cost to the employer?
No. There is absolutely no cost to the employer. CIS is a non-profit agency and is funded through various public and private sources.
How do you find job candidates?
The individuals we work with have been prescreened and assessed for skills, interest areas, and support needs – any job candidate we offer is ready to get to work, and we’ve got their back! We help match talent to your business needs. We receive adult referrals through the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and Office of Developmental Programs. CIS also has a dedicated focus on shaping the region’s future workforce by helping youth prepare for careers and transition from school to employment.