Staff Spotlight: Christina Nicoletti

by | Jun 26, 2024 | General, News, Staff Spotlights

We invite you to spend a little time this morning with Christina Nicoletti, Manager of Business Development for Transition Services here at CIS! 

Christina is truly a light at CIS, and has made a huge impact in her nine years of working here. Most recently, she’s done amazing work to deepen our partnership with the School District of Philadelphia, where she’s helped countless CIS participants navigate exciting new jobs. 

“She’s guided participants and her coworkers through navigating applications, pre-hire exams, the school selection process, and so much more,” said Erin Phovilaychit, CIS’s Director of Business Development.

“Christina also continues to be an amazing asset and mentor with the Transition Team,” added Courtney Mulcahy, CIS’s Assistant Director of Student Transition Services. “Christina has developed excellent working relationships with so many local employers across Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs. She is always willing to share her expertise in job development, and consistently helps students secure work experiences in line with their personal and professional goals.” 

Glide through the slides and hear what Christina has to say about her work at CIS—we’re so lucky to have her!