Juan Gives us Two Thumbs Up On St. Patrick’s Day!

by | Mar 23, 2023 | News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2023

St. Patrick’s Day came and went, but not without some luck for Juan, seen here relaxing in this green Lamborhini. 

Juan works at Wawa, and on St. Patrick’s Day a customer parked this beauty out front and came into the store. When he noticed Juan marveling at the car, he invited Juan and his job coach CJ to come out and have a closer look, even turning the car on and letting Juan rev the engine. Juan loved it, and he’s pictured here showing his approval with two thumbs up 👍!

We hope you all enjoyed your St. Paddy’s Day—we know Juan sure did! 
[image 1 shows Juan standing outside with the green Lamborghini parked behind him. He wears a hat and black shirt and gives at thumbs up at the camera; image 2 shows him sitting side-saddle in the front seat beneath the open door of the green car, his feet resting on the pavement.]