Football’s back, the Phillies are heading to the playoffs, Halloween is just around the corner. It’s a season of abundance, and the same holds true at CIS, where 46 participants started new jobs over the past month across Pennsylvania and Delaware!

Ira was hired as Game Day Staff by the Philadelphia Eagles; Stacy was hired at a Home Care campus, where she brings gentleness and compassion to her work; and Lianne started work in a great Administrative position at the Philadelphia School District! All around the region, CIS participants are getting hired in a wide range of jobs!

September’s huge job numbers are especially meaningful because October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (#NDEAM). This year’s theme is about advancing access and equity in the workplace for people with disabilities, and that’s a core component to the work we do at CIS. When people with disabilities are given employment opportunities, they’re more visible within in our society, and in a diversity of jobs and roles. Not only does that give younger people with disabilities more aspirational models for their future, but it also helps broaden society’s understanding of what people with disabilities are capable of achieving.

Give it up for all our participants who started new jobs in September, and keep an eye on our page for more stories as we celebrate NDEAM all month long.