School-to-Work Services Help CJ Find Employment Success

by | Mar 3, 2021 | News, Participant Stories, School to Work Transition

The image shows different scenes of CJ at work

We couldn’t be more excited today to feature CJ, a CIS participant who’s been crushing it in his position at Kalan LP. 

We first connected with CJ through our school-to-work transition services, with give high school students with disabilities real-world work experience. 

“Through the program, he was exposed to a variety of jobs,” said Joanne, CJ’s mom. “And under CIS’s flexibility and innovative thinking, they were able to custom fit a job where CJ was extremely successful, productive, and most important of all, happy, and part of a work environment.” 

That position was with the production team for a small independent company called “The Fruit Guys.” CJ did such an awesome job that they planned to hire him post-graduation, but plans were waylaid due to the pandemic. 

Not one to let an obstacle slow him down, CJ got right to work with his CIS job developer, and found a position he was interested in at Kalan LP. “CIS and its excellent staff helped prepare him for the interview.” said Joanne. “They care about CJ. He matters to them. He got the job, and he loves it!” 

Six months in and CJ has really found his place there: he’s part of a great team, he’s learning new skills, he’s working a job he likes, and his managers tell us he’s doing an awesome job. 

“CJ is making some money for himself, but he is also gaining self-respect, and learning responsibility and self-dependence to further his success.” 

We are so proud of CJ, and excited to share these pictures of him at Kalan (photo 1), on the job with The Fruit Guys (in pre-pandemic times), and kicking back at home as he celebrates his high school graduation. Way to go CJ!  

It’s our 30th year working to support people with disabilities. Head to the main page of our blog for more stories of the CIS family!