Matthew Gains Valuable Skills at Hospital Internship

by | Mar 17, 2023 | News, Participant Stories, School to Work Transition

Check out this cool photo of Project SEARCH intern Matthew working the register at ChristianaCare in Delaware.  
Matthew has proven to be a fast learner. In a little under five minutes of observing other cashiers, Matthew had already learned all the ins and outs and was ready to tackle it alone. Fast forward a week later, and he has become the first intern ever to run the registers by himself!  

Aside from working the cash register, he also stocks refrigerators, runs the tray room, and prepares the dining room for the lunch service. In his free time, he enjoys reading comics and cooking at home with his family.  

The Project SEARCH program helps high school students with disabilities gain real-world work experience through supportive and engaging internships. We help run two programs in Philadelphia and four in Delaware.  

Cheers to Matthew and his success at ChristianaCare, and keep on rockin’!  

[Image description: Matthew sits at the check-out register. He wears a black polo shirt, a medical mask, and peers at the camera through black-frame glasses]