Project Learn Students Are News Worthy, and Here is Why.

by | Mar 24, 2023 | News, Participant Stories, School to Work Transition

Our Project Career Launch programs (PCL) have gotten a lot of love in the news lately, and a recent classroom visit made clear why. Last Wednesday at Community College of Philadelphia’s West Campus, one of our PCL cohorts wore their best work clothes for a morning of mock interviews with Marc and Ms. Diane from PA CareerLink.

Each student had a chance to do a short mock interview, where they were asked questions specific to the type of work they are interested in. Marc and Ms. Diane have been leading these sessions every week since September, and PCL Students have showed significant progress as they prepare for real interviews with various employers at the end of April.

PA CareerLink is an initiative of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry, and seeks to connect PA job-seekers to sustaining jobs while matching employers with the skilled candidates that they need. Marc and Ms. Diane have been an outstanding support to our PCL students, providing weekly sessions on resume building and cover letter development, and giving thorough, thoughtful feedback on the students’ mock interviews.

When not working with Marc and Ms. Diane, PCL students are at internships across the city, and some are even taking classes at the Community College of Philadelphia! These PCL students are not shy about having fun either: the classroom was full of smiles as Marc applauded each student after their interview.

Overall, it was a great day in the classroom 😊

Big thanks to PA CareerLink, and a shout out to PCL facilitators Beth and Mike who allowed us to come visit.

Keep shining, PCL⭐! We will see you in the news again soon!