Patrick Celebrates One Year at Millville’s Pet Shop

by | Jul 10, 2023 | General, News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2023

Warning! Cuteness overload is in full effect. Give a furry round of applause to Patrick, who turned an internship into a full-fledged job at a pet shop in Millville. Patrick began volunteering there in 2021, and did such a great job that they hired him as an employee.  

He’s been employed there for over a year now, and is doing awesome in his job. Despite an astonishing number of brands and variations, Patrick has familiarized himself with the store’s entire inventory! Some of Patrick’s tasks are labeling new inventory, restocking shelves, doing general cleaning in the store, and—of course—being a great caretaker of all the animals.  

“During my time as Patrick’s primary, I’ve never seen him not smiling,” said Vinnie, Patrick’s Job Coach from CIS. “His positivity and happiness are contagious, I know I’m going to have a great day when supporting him, and I also see the joy he brings to his coworkers.” 

Vinnie went on to say that Patrick’s has a great relationship with his manager and co-workers: “You can tell they’re grateful for Patrick and are confident knowing he will complete all the tasks asked of him correctly.”

Big congrats to Patrick—we’re so happy to see him doing great in a job he loves.