Participant Spotlight: Lauren Takes on Two Jobs, and Thrives

by | May 27, 2020 | News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2020

Today we’re excited to highlight Lauren, who last week celebrated the one-month anniversary of her new job at Rite Aid. Like many people throughout the country, Lauren was laid-off from a service-industry position in mid-March due to Covid-19. Lauren’s been working with CIS since 2011, so no one was surprised to see her tackle this new challenge with her trademark energy and positivity. She got right to work with Robin, her Business Development Specialist, and together they looked at various openings until they found a good fit for Lauren at Rite Aid.  

“It was really important to Lauren to continue to be an active essential employee,” said Diane, an Employment Training Professional at CIS who helps to support Lauren at her job. “Thanks to her hard work and her awesome job developer Robin, she was able to obtain this new position.” 

Even more remarkable is that this isn’t Lauren’s only job. She sought out this position in addition to her evening job as an Unloader for UPS. Last month marked her one-year anniversary in that position, where she’s thrived processing packages and sorting them accurately so they can get to where they need to go.

It’s been a great first month for Lauren at Rite Aid. She works in maintenance and stock, assuring that cleaning protocols are taking place and that everyday essentials are in place for customers. She’s received positive feedback from her managers for her effort on the job, and for taking quickly to the new position. True to her nature, Lauren has kept her spirits up during these months of social distancing, though she says she can’t wait for baseball to return so she can watch her beloved Phillies play again. Neither can we!  

We’re so proud of Lauren’s efforts in the midst of challenging circumstances, and congratulate her on her first month in her new position.