Participant Spotlight: Jasmine Helps Make Sure No Child Goes Hungry

by | Jun 11, 2020 | News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2020

Disaster, in its way, often waits to strike until things are finally going right. That was the case for Jasmine, who was really starting to hit her stride in her job at Smyrna Middle School when the pandemic arrived in early March.

“She had blossomed there in just a handful of months,” said Brandi, Jasmine’s Employment Specialist. “I watched her go from a task list of two items to a list that included wiping tables, taking care of kitchen laundry, bagging the afterschool snack bags, and filling in where needed when she was done with her tasks. She was really thriving.”

Jasmine, like many, was laid-off when the school shut its doors as a result of the pandemic. But like the eagle on the school’s crest, she has embodied resilience and strength in the face of hardship, refusing to be discouraged while out of a job. Her patience was rewarded when the Smyrna School District called her back to work in mid-May.

Now Jasmine’s working again but in an even bigger role. Where before she was asked to prep and pack snack-bags for the middle school’s afterschool program, now she’s working for the District as a whole, preparing food bags to last students an entire week, and helping deliver them to students throughout the Smyrna School District.

“Jasmine has taken on this challenge like a pro,” said Brandi.

The expanded food program is part of Smyrna School District’s commitment to making sure that no child in the District goes hungry. In light of these challenging times, Smyrna School District recognizes that some students may not be getting the breakfasts and lunches they normally would, and they’re stepping up to fill the gap. Jasmine has played an important role in that effort, preparing and delivering essential food bags to around 150 students each week.

In a funny twist of fate, her current supervisor was promoted from a job at Smyrna Middle School too, and knew Jasmine from there. She said that since Jasmine has arrived at this new job, more work is getting done than ever.

“Jasmine is a part of something amazing,” said Brandi, “and she absolutely loves what she does.” We are so proud of Jasmine for her perseverance and hard work, and all she’s doing to get quality meals to students throughout the Smyrna School District.