Kevin Flies High in Job at Wells Fargo Center

by | Apr 26, 2022 | News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2022

Kevin, a young white man in glasses, stands before a sink in the kitchen at Cadillac Grille

With the NHL playoffs just around the corner, we’re excited to spotlight Kevin, and the excellent work he’s doing in his job at the Cadillac Grille in the Wells Fargo Center.

Since starting there last October, Kevin has wowed his manager, co-workers, and his coaches for the way he’s taken to his role, and became a key part of the Cadillac team.

“Everyone at the arena knows and is very fond of him,” said Hayden, an Employment Coach at CIS who supports Kevin at work. “His Manager Mr. Glen had nothing but superb things to say about his work.”

We’re particularly gratified at Kevin’s success, as his story exemplifies persistence in the face of challenging circumstances. He was laid off from his previous job when the pandemic hit, and deeply missed his colleagues, and the community he’d found at work. It was a long two years, he told us.

Since getting the job at Cadillac Grille, however, Kevin’s re-discovered his pre-pandemic spark. “He’s back to being his happy, warm, funny, enthusiastic self,” said Amanda, CIS’s Manager of Employment Services, who’s known Kevin since 2016. “It really shows you the importance of meaningful work.”  

We are so proud of the success that Kevin’s having at his job, where he’s found friendship, community, and the start of a new chapter in his career. To find out how you can get involved with CIS, head to our careers page.