If you have been following our page, you may recognize the infamous Kentu, a great employee and a staple of the Weavers Way community for 13 years. Kentu started working there in 2010, and is responsible for stocking shelves and keeping the store neat for customers, many of whom he knows by name and greets as they enter the store. Kentu got some well-deserved recognition recently when he was profiled in the Weavers Way newspaper (see link in bio for the full article).

In addition to spotlighting his role at the Co-Op, the article celebrated Kentu for volunteering at MANNA – a local nonprofit that prepares and delivers nutritious meals to those with critical illnesses.

Our own Beth Flaugher (Manager of Project Career Launch at CIS) first mentioned MANNA to Kentu, and he has been hooked ever sense. At both places—MANNA and Weavers Way Co-op—Kentu is the perfect example of a community advocate. He is always willing to go the extra mile, and is a big part of the team at both organizations.

We couldn’t be prouder of Kentu, and we know that this is only the beginning of his journey to becoming more involved with the community and those around him.

Thank you so much, Kentu, for being such a positive force for good in both your work and your community.