Job Coach, Jeanette, and Michael have a run at Phillies Game

by | Aug 16, 2023 | General, News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2023

Baseball playoffs are getting closer, and you’re sure to catch a few of our CIS participants wearing Phillies gear. However, for Michael (a CIS participant) and Jeanette (a Data and Billing Specialist at CIS), Citizens Bank Park was the site of a special connection.

Jeanette has coached Michael virtually since October 2022. The two have only had contact via computer screens and email. Jeanette says, “When coaching virtually, you kind of miss out on that personal connection that comes with coaching on sight.” We know that sentiment will resonate with a lot of readers due to the pandemic and the limitations of face-to-face connection.

But that did not stop Jeanette from ensuring Michael got all the resources and help he needed, and over time they began to build a bond. “I love working with Michael and decided not to let the platform of screens hinder building a connection,” says Jeanette. She learned that he was a die hard Phillies fan, and they bonded over a shared love for the team.

Fast forward to last weekend: the Phillies were playing at home, Citizen Banks Park was flooded with patrons getting hot dogs, soft pretzels, and crab fries, when Michael and Jeanette saw each other in the crowd! Who would have thought? Both were excited to finally meet in person, and it was extra special that it was at the site of Michael’s favorite sports team.

“It was exciting to finally meet him and have a conversation face-to-face!”

Michael’s father took a photo for us to share, and you can see the excitement in both their eyes. How cool!

Thank you to Michael’s coach, Jeanette, who shared this terrific story of connection with us.