Give it up for Jasmen, who recently received an award honoring her ten-year anniversary in her job at Marshall’s!  

Jasmen began working there in 2014, and it was a great fit from the start. She immediately liked the work environment, and quickly became a fixture in the Changing Room area, where she assigns rooms to customers, takes stock of the clothing, and collects discarded items.  

Over her ten years at Marshall’s, Jasmen has built great friendships with her co-workers and has found Marshall’s to be a supportive and fun work community. Along the way, she’s learned a variety of new customer service and merchandising skills, and has found both purpose and greater self-reliance through her job.  

We are so proud of Jasmen for hitting the 10-year mark at Marshall’s and for the good spirit she brings to her work each day. Here’s to the next 10!