Give it up for Jameel, pictured here with the Certificate of Appreciation he received from his managers for doing an outstanding job in his position at ShopRite.

Jameel started working at ShopRite all the way back in 2018, and he took to the job immediately. He’s a hard worker with a kind heart and a good word for everyone he comes in contact with, and he impressed his managers from the get-go for being a quick learner and dedicated to his work. It helped that he came in well prepared: Jameel is a former Project SEARCH participant, an innovative program that gives students with disabilities real-world work experience to help them make a successful transition from school to employment.

Nearly five years later, Jameel is still loving his position at the store: he continues to expand his tool-kit of job skills, which has helped him take on different roles at ShopRite depending on the store’s needs on a given day; and October will mark his five-year anniversary there, a huge milestone that we are so proud of him for achieving.

Congrats on all your success, Jameel!

[image shows a young man in a dress shirt smiling as he holds up his Certificate of Appreciation]