Ira’s “Day One” At Philadelphia Eagles Game Day Opener at The Linc

by | Sep 21, 2023 | General, News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2023

Last week was the 2023 Season Opener for the Philadelphia Eagles, and some of our participants had a front-row seat at the game! Shout out to one of them, Ira, who had his “Day One” as Game Day Staff as the Eagles took on the Vikings.

This was the very first game that Ira worked, and he did a fantastic job. He’s responsible for covering a group of sections on the main concourse, and his duties are helping Eagles fans find their seats, pointing them to the bathrooms and concessions, and to the team store, too, for all those looking to go home with some fresh new Eagles gear. Even though this was his first game of the season he carried out his role like a seasoned veteran, and had a great time while doing it.

Congratulations to Ira and all our other CIS participants who work on the Event Staff team at The Linc, and big thanks to the Philadelphia Eagles for being such great supporters of employees with disabilities. We cannot wait to see what else this journey brings.

For more on how CIS works for people with disabilities, head to, and let’s go Eagles!