Six-Week Stay: Hotel Internship Prepares Students for Future Careers

by | Feb 7, 2022 | News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2022

A photo of students sitting around a conference table overlaid by the CIS logo

Check out these amazing photos from Sussex County, Delaware, where Howard T. Ennis students in our Pre-Employment Transition Services Program are learning the ins-and-outs of the hospitality industry at Bethany Beach Ocean Residence Inn.

A concierge, a chef, a housekeeper, a customer service specialist—Ennis students are getting to try on each of these hats (and more!) as part of their paid, six-week internship at the Inn.

This amazing program is for Ennis students with disabilities who are looking ahead to their life after high school. Through the work-based learning that the program provides, students get invaluable, hands-on experience working in jobs and industries that could become their future careers.

Over their six weeks at the Inn, they’re considered part of the hotel staff, and get to rotate through each department in the hotel, getting first-hand experience in a range of roles. Along the way, they develop critical work skills in communication, customer care, professionalism, business management, and leadership.

Thank you so much to the amazing team at Bethany Beach Ocean Residence Inn, who are helping launch these great students into bright careers.