Happy International Sign Language Day

by | Sep 25, 2023 | General, News, Participant Stories

Happy Monday, everyone! Did you know that Saturday was International Day of Sign Languages? 

We stopped in to see one of our participants, Chris, who uses sign language as a form of communication. We had the pleasure of visiting him at his job during his break, and he was happy to send some warm words in honor of the holiday. We are also celebrating Chris’s first week at his new job, so keep an eye out for a follow-up post on that.

Thank you to CIS’s James Senger, who has been a great support to Chris. We are so proud of the great job Chris is doing at work and appreciate him taking the time to wish everyone a happy International Day of Sign Languages!

[Video shows Chris, a young man with a beard and glasses, in the break room at his job. He wears a maroon shirt and a lanyard with a badge, and looks towards the camera as he signs the words, “Hi, my name is Chris! Happy International Sign Languages Day from CIS.”]