In the New Year, a Look Back at a Successful 2021

by | Jan 7, 2022 | News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2022

The CIS logo surrounded by a montage of CIS participants at their places of work

The new year is a chance to take stock of the last one, and we are deeply proud to share that in 2021, CIS helped 400 people across Pennsylvania and Delaware secure employment!

In the midst of the ongoing pandemic, we are truly grateful to provide critical support to people with disabilities, who’ve been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 with respect to both health and employment.

In December alone, CIS helped 23 people land brand new jobs. Pedro went to work at Game on State, Media’s new arcade designed to be inclusive of people with disabilities. Belinda got a job with the School District of Philadelphia, working in Food Services at a local high school. And Niemah joined Jefferson Frankford hospital, where she’ll be working as a Dietary Aide. All across the region, CIS participants are going to work in a diverse range of fields and roles.

Congrats to all those beginning new jobs, and big cheers for our great business development team, who helped place each of our participants, and for our employment support team. Each day, it is their incredible on-site support that ensures the health, well-being, and success of CIS participants.