Invisible Disability Awareness: Meet one of our Employment Trainers

by | Oct 17, 2023 | General, NDEAM, Participant Stories

We continue our series on Invisible Disabilities Awareness Week with another story of a CIS staff-person living with invisible disabilities. Meet one of our Employment Trainer at CIS. 

“You Don’t look like you’re sick” (eyes rolling). 

These are words that I often hear from people when they hear of my conditions and the previous 14 surgeries I’ve had. For over 25 years I’ve been living with multiple Invisible illnesses. Currently, I’m suffering from several autoimmune diseases (Fibromyalgia, Lupus, and Primary biliary cirrhosis), along with 2 Neurological Conditions (Vestibular Migraines and Stiff person syndrome). 

These conditions cause many symptoms such as constant pain, dizzy spells, memory loss, and stomach discomfort. Walking, Climbing Stairs, and just getting out of bed is a daily struggle, but these are necessary tasks I must complete as a Parent and full-time Employment Trainer at CIS. Because people cannot see my disability, if I mention any discomfort or hardships with any task, it is often frowned upon as if I’m being lazy, ignoring responsibilities, and/or seeking attention, which is false. 

People with invisible Disabilities want our conditions recognized and receive the same accommodations and treatment that others with disabilities have. It is not easy living with these conditions. Most people don’t have a clue to how they will die, but most of us with Invisible illnesses do! We ask for patience, not sympathy. Recognition, not chastisement. Accommodations, and not a handout.

I am hoping that everyone would just educate themselves and begin a conversation. With this change, acceptance shall happen, and our days will be more than bearable. 

We appreciate all our team sharing pieces of their journey. Stay tuned for our next piece for our IDAW23 series.