Francesca’s “Day One” at Girard Academic Music Program

by | May 24, 2023 | General, News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2023

Warm weather and new jobs are in the air this week, and that‘s particularly true for Francesca, who celebrated “Day One” in her new job at the Girard Academic Music Program (GAMP) . It may have been her first day on the job, but as the picture shows, she was immediately comfortable and ready to work!

One of our Job Coaches, Luke, gave her some encouraging words: “I gave Francesca positive reinforcements as she worked, like, ‘you’re doing a great job’ and ‘keep up the good work.’ She smiled and said, ‘Yes, and I’m fast too!’”

Moments like this allow our participants to feel confident as they learn their new role, and feel seen and valued for their contributions at work. Thank you to all our Job Coaches who support hundreds of working participants in jobs around the region each day, and congrats to Francesca for a great start at her amazing new job!

[image description: image shows a woman smiling with a white apron on, a blue lanyard and a hair net standing in the kitchen smiling]