Former Eagles Head Coach Takes Pictures with 2 of our Participants

by | Apr 14, 2023 | News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2023

If you grew up watching football in the late 90s, you might better remember Dick Vermeil as the head coach of the St. Louis Rams or the (boo) Kansas City Chiefs, but it was a welcome reminder to get this picture and recall that he was the Eagles coach in the mid-80s 🏈!

He stopped into local favorite Game on State last week, and CIS Employment Training Coach Kathryn DeProspero was there to snap these pictures of him hanging out with participants Narada and Pedro. Thanks so much to Kathryn for sending these along, and check out Game on State if you haven’t already, and spread the word—it’s a gaming space inclusive to everyone, and they’re big supporters of people with disabilities both as a business and as an employer 🎮.


[image 1 shows the interior of a candy store and arcade, where an older man in a red polo shirt with his hands on the shoulders of a younger man in a wheelchair. Image 2 shows a man in a red polo shirt posing beside a younger man wearing black t-shirt that says Inclusivity as they look at the camera]