Day 1 on the Job: Sarah Starts Her New Position!

by | Feb 9, 2023 | News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2023

Give it up for Sarah, pictured here on her very first day of work at a local childcare and education center. Sarah was hired as a Classroom Aide, and couldn’t be more excited to begin a position where she gets to work with and educate children.   

This photo is the first in a series we’re launching called Day One, in which we feature photos of CIS participants on Day One of their new jobs.  

Keep an eye on our page for more from this series, and big congratulations to Sarah, who was all smiles on Day One of her new career.

[image description: Sarah stands in front of a children’s classroom wall and gives a thumbs up at the camera. She wears a red polo shirt, and behind her can be seen an American flag, children’s artwork, assorted trinkets, and a hanging banner made from blue cloth that says “Circle Time” and shows a row of colored squares corresponding to the days of the week.]