CIS Attends The Everyday Lives Conference in Hershey, PA

by | Jan 30, 2024 | General, News, Participant Stories, Staff Spotlights

Hit the ‘like’ button for all our participants and staff who attended last week’s LIFE Conference, Delaware’s premier conference on disability.  

While we had a number of CIS staff-members attend the conference, it was really our participants who played a starring role: Allen, Jillian, LeAnne, and Alyssa are all CIS participants, and each of them presented at the conference on topics ranging from mental health resources for individuals with disabilities, to practical planning to achieve the life you dream of.  

More than 500 people attended this year’s conference, which brings together people with disabilities, their families, and professionals in the field for a day of networking opportunities, educational sessions, and informative and inspiring keynote speeches. Our staff and participants had a blast, and shared a couple photos from the day’s festivities. Picture 1 shows CIS’s Keith Bosco with Allen and Jillian, and picture 2 shows CIS staffmembers Holly Drumheiser, Jason Lofland, and Morgan McKenzie.

We couldn’t be prouder of Allen, Jillian, LeAnne, and Alyssa for their excellent presentations at the conference, and we encourage you to check them out at the link in our bio.

For more on how CIS works for people with disabilities, head to!