Derick Returns to Work at the School he Once Attended!

by | Jan 30, 2023 | News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2023

Give a cheer for Derick, who’s now employed by the very same Philly School District school he once attended!  
After getting his start in the working world in a Food Services position at a local hospitality group, Derick traded up for a job at his old high school. He’s been there a month now, and he’s off to an awesome start.  
He’s putting his kitchen skills to work in the school’s cafeteria, making sandwiches and salads and other delicious dishes. Not only that, but the job has come with a side of friends and community. He works alongside Marvin and Vera, who are great natural supports and have helped him get up to speed in his new position. 
“I enjoy working with the friendly people at my old high school” he told us last week, and the feeling is mutual: his colleagues and school staff said they’ve loved having him back there. 

Congrats to Derick on a great first month, and check out more CIS stories at! 

[image description: Derick wears a blue shirt under a white apron in a cafeteria kitchen. He’s pictured standing in front of a counter covered with deli sandwiches, and looks at the camera.]