Dave Celebrates Nearly Six Years at Villanova

by | Apr 5, 2023 | News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2023

Hit that like button for David (known affectionately by all his co-workers as ‘Dave’) who works on the Dining Team at Villanova’s Donahue Hall.

Dave’s been working there since 2017, and has become a beloved presence at Donahue: he never misses work, he’s always on time, and is loved by his co-workers and students alike.

Here he is in the dining hall on a recent morning, taking a break from his work to give a thumbs-up for the camera 👍.

Congrats to Dave on nearly six years on the job—keep up the good work 👏!

[image: David stands in a cafeteria and gives a thumbs up for the camera. He wears a protective mask and a maroon apron, and the cafeteria chairs and tables are visible behind him]