Not only did April showers bring May flowers, but they also brought some pretty exquisite art to the office walls in our Philadelphia office. The idea came from Maureen Forster, our Administrative Assistant, who wanted to bring some life to the walls at our office, and thought what better way to do so than with work from our very own Art Works artists. Maureen reached out to the team to pitch the idea—a different Art Works artist featured every month—and they were all for it. As we put this story together we consulted our trusty CIS Historian, who informed us that we used to do this same thing a number of years ago. How cool to unexpectedly revive this tradition!

Mallory Wing is our very first featured artist and recently came by the office to install her artwork on the office walls. In her work, Mallory is influenced by social issues, sci-fi, history, animals, and the video games she played growing up. She creates digital drawings and often transforms these works into screen prints and stickers.

A big thanks to Maureen for coming up with this fantastic idea and bringing the office walls to life through the artwork of CIS participants, and a huge shout-out to Mallory for being our first featured artist. You can find her work on Instagram at @malzbwing, and make sure to stop into the office to check out her work in the “CIS Gallery”—we’re excited to see who’ll be featured next!