Ayyub’s “Day One” at the Wells Fargo Center

by | Mar 31, 2023 | News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2023

Join us in congratulating Ayyub, pictured here on his very first day of work at the Wells Fargo Center in South Philly. Ayyub was hired by Aramark, and was excited to start work at the Flyers’ stadium, where he’ll be helping on the Food Services side as the team finishes out the 2023 season.

This photo is part of our new series called Day One, in which we feature photos of CIS participants on Day One of their new jobs. Ayyub is kind, soft-spoken, thoughtful, and when he’s not at work can often be found working on his Muay Thai skills.

Keep an eye on our page for more from this series, and big congrats to Ayyub on his new position!

[A man stands against a grey brick wall wearing a black button-up and a red, white and blue puffy coat and looks towards the camera. The corners of the image show the CIS logo and text that says “Day 1”]