Give Aubrey a warm round of applause as she is coming up on her 3rd work anniversary at Mod Pizza! Three years on the job has turned Aubrey into an expert at all facets of the operation, from pizza prep and bussing tables to preparing the eat-in and take-out orders and ringing up customers.

Aubrey’s doing an awesome job, and has been aided by her close relationship with her primary employment coach, Kathryn DeProspero, who has seen growth in Aubrey throughout her three years at @modpizza Aubrey was trained to run the cash register this summer, and told Kathryn she absolutely loves that part of her job!

Join us in congratulating Aubrey on her 3rd anniversary at the pizza shop, and a big thanks to Kathryn for the lovely photo!

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{image description: Image 1 shows Aubrey, She is wearing a hat with stars, glasses, a red shirt that reads “Spreading Modness.”, and jeans. She is holding a rag and smiling.}