We’re Hiring, Join CIS!

Ticket  to  Work

CIS assists individuals, ages 18-64, receiving Social Security (SSA) disability benefits along their career path and towards financial independence. The CIS team of experts provides individualized support every step of the way to help you safely navigate your way back to work and towards self-sufficiency.

Seeking Employment

You receive assistance and support with the job search and preparation process. Our Certified Benefits Counselors will help you navigate the complexities of Social Security benefits in order to help optimize your financial outcomes and achieve independence from Social Security.

Job Search and Preparation
Work with a Job Developer to find opportunities that match your unique skills, preferences, and experience.

Resume Development
A professional resume helps you stand out to employers and lead with your talents and experience.

Benefits Counseling
Certified Benefits Counselors help you maximize financial outcomes through guidance on work income and Social Security benefits.

Interview Preparation
Resources, insight, and ‘Mock Interviews’ with employer-partners help sharpen your interview skills.

Once You're Employed

Returning to work can be a challenging transition – individualized support services help you acclimate, create a smooth transition back into workforce, and prepare you for continued success as your career blossoms.

Ongoing Benefits Counseling
Our Certified Benefits Counselors at CIS offer guidance in navigating through the maze of Social Security Benefits.

Workplace Transition Assistance
CIS’ Employment Training Specialists provide support to help you acclimate to your new job.

Additional Support
CIS will provide you with a long term partnership, and support you with any troubles down the road.

Employment Bonuses
CIS offers financial incentives when you reach designated employment milestones. *Terms and conditions apply

Once you complete this form, one of our Ticket to Work Intake Specialists will call you to discuss your goals and that the next steps are.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. A representative from Community Integrated Services will contact you shortly about the Ticket to Work program and your work goals!

Please contact for more information