3 CIS Participants Are Hard at Work at UPENN

by | Apr 12, 2023 | News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2023

Hungry, anyone? If you’re looking for a nice bite and fantastic customer service, stop in to King’s Court Dining Hall at the University of Pennsylvania, where Michael, Gregory, and Zahir are hard at work in Dining Services.

Michael is a University of Pennsylvania employee and is nearing his seven-year anniversary there, which is a huge milestone. He first started out in a part-time role, and did such a great job that he was quickly promoted to a full-time position. He’s set a great example to Greg (picture 2) and Zahir, who were both hired by Bon Appetit at Penn this past year. They work alongside Michael at King’s Court, and help keep things running smoothly in the kitchen and in the dining area. Michael’s been a great mentor to them, and all three have found a great community at Penn.

A big round of applause for Michael, Gregory, and Zahir, and a big thanks to Penn and the Bon Appetit team there, who’ve been great supporters of CIS participants in the workplace.

[image description: Image one shows a man with a blue shirt with and black tanktop underneath, he has on a white apron and a hair net over his head smiling. Image two shows a man with his hands on his hips with gloves on. He is smiling with glasses and has a red lanyard on and a red shirt. Image three shows a man with a white apron with a black shirt on holding up the peace sign and holding a candy jar. ]
