Pedro and Narada Celebrate Two Years at Game on State

by | Dec 15, 2023 | News, Participant Stories, Participant Stories - 2023

The last time you heard from us about Game on State, we were celebrating their interview on Rowan Radio. Or maybe you remember when former NFL head coach Dick Vermeil stopped in for a visit. You may even recall our story about two CIS participants who met at Game on State and started a new friendship.  

Regardless of what you remember, Game on State is an exemplary example of a business creating an inclusive environment for folks with disabilities. Game on State has also been extra supportive in employing individuals with disabilities, like CIS participants Pedro and Narada, who are celebrating their two-year work anniversary at Game on State!  

Can you believe it has been two years? Game on State is the premier arcade for inclusivity, and we are honored that two of our participants have had the chance to work and grow there. The arcade was not just designed to be inclusive of people with disabilities, but the owners were committed to employing people with disabilities.  

Pedro and Narada are responsible for cleaning the arcade machines and performing stationary work by ensuring all the logos are on the checkout bags for customers. They are also store ambassadors, interacting with customers and letting them know all the cool things they can buy.  

We are so proud of Pedro and Narada celebrating two years at Game on State, and we thank the owners for providing a great work environment for their employees. Thanks to CIS’s Kathryn DeProspero for sending over this photo of everyone. Stop into Game on State if you have the time and wish Pedro and Narada a happy two years on the job!